'Unleashed Youth' weekend.

Sunday 9th March, our children and young people will be leading our

Circuit Service at Fulwood Methodist Church (10:30am) as part of their 'Unleashed Youth' weekend.

All churches in the Preston Ribble Methodist Circuit are invited

and we hope that you will support this service.


The weekend 7th - 9th March about 20 young people and leaders will be taking part in a circuit weekend called 'Unleashed' at Fulwood Methodist Church. We are putting an appeal out to ask any church/group/individuals would be willing to supply some cakes, snacks, fruit or bread for toast for the weekend.


Donations can be dropped off at Fulwood on Friday the 7th March between 9.30am -11.30am or from 6.00pm in the evening or alternatively please contact Darren via email darrenarnold.church@gmail.com to arrange collection or drop off. 


Many thanks and we'll hopefully see you at the Circuit service: 10:30am at Fulwood Methodist Church on Sunday 9th March. 
On behalf: 
Darren Arnold 
Children's, Youth & Families Worker

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