As part of its election manifesto, the Labour Party committed to a full
investigation of the school curriculum and assessment system in England.
Accordingly a review was launched in the wake of the General Election, opening
on 25th September and closing on 22nd November. This is a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to halt the decline and to grow music in our schools. As Methodism
was 'founded on song' we should be more than a little interested in the outcome.
A very recent fire in Preston town centre, in a building to the rear of The Old
Dog Inn, Church Street, reminded me that the pub was the early meeting place of
the first Methodists in Preston. As teetotalism – founded locally - grew and
grew in strength I expect that bit of their history was quietly put aside!
This time around church magazines, weekly information sheets, orders of service
and the like have come to us from Clitheroe Methodist Circuit; St Mary's Parish
Church, Eccleston; Trinity Methodist & United Reformed Church, Abingdon;
Christchurch Priory; Minehead Methodist Church and from Carlisle Methodist
Church at Wigton Road, plus the North Cumbria Circuit's production 'The Canopy'.
Did you know: a recent survey has suggested that 77% of people have never heard
of Stir-Up Sunday (the last Sunday before Advent, when Christmas puddings were
made and family members each took a turn at stirring the mixture – and made a
wish)? Or that mince pies were said to be on the menu for the coronation banquet
of King Henry V in 1413? Or that Christmas Island, in the Pacific Ocean, was so
named by Captain Cook, who discovered it on 25th December, 1777?
We also regularly receive a copy of the magazine from our twinned
Evangelische-methodistiche Kirche in Recklinghausen, Germany. This is available,
translated to English, on our website via a link on the front page.
Roy Smith