the last six years our family has taken on a Charity Shop Christmas Challenge.
The idea being that we each buy a present for another family member from a
charity outlet with the idea that it is particularly appropriate to that person
(maybe funny or just relating to their interests.)
Although it just started with the adults it has now grown and the children find
it great fun. It has grown to the extent that there are usually as many as 20
gifts to be opened, all before the 'ordinary presents'. It now proves to be the
highlight of our present giving and provides much fun.
Obviously this adds greatly to the spirit but more importantly it helps the
charity shops. Imagine the funds created if this were invoked in all of our
church families. If you take up this, please let me know and spread the word to
PS. It is amazing what you can find; even brand new goods/toys at under £5.
A couple of ideas we have used :- A £5 fruit bowl with a trifle made in it. A £2
vase with a bunch of flowers.
Dave Topping