1 The main town in the area where Jesus was born; here the temple was located.
5 The name of the angel who passed personal messages to Mary and Joseph.
7 A humble part of the building the location of Jesus' birth.
8 Messengers of God - who seemed to be working overtime when Jesus was born!
10 An animal feeding tray which became Jesus' first cot.
11 Well, the magi certainly had a long one. And Mary must have found hers very tiring.
12 They look after sheep! When they are not descending from the hillside to see a baby.
13 Were there three? Were they Kings? Were they Wise men?
15 The name of the Roman ruler of the area where Jesus was born. Comes out of the Christmas story very badly.
16 What was in the manger? What, no duvet? Where were the knitting group?

1 The name of the baby whose birthday we are celebrating at this season.
2 ...... and the name of the town where he was born.
3 ....and what is this season called?
4 The Magi followed a star. We, if we are wise, ........ Jesus.
6 The town in which Jesus grew up and lived as a young man.
9 The job of the man who kept saying he had 'no room'.
11 The husband of Mary and the father of Jesus.
13 She wasn't contrary: she was extraordinarily faithful!
14 The Testament in which we find accounts of the birth of Jesus.