In this, and perhaps two further articles, the magazine provides a focus upon activities aimed to assist people in our neighbourhood. First of all we look at our 'New to You' shop. Then we will highlight the catering services which work with other activities in the church. Then a third article which might make you see these activities in a wider and deeper way.

How is the Christmas shopping coming along? Is it all complete and you are relaxing with a cup of tea, a smug smile and a lighter wallet? Do you need a last-minute purchase for a recently discovered relative? Look no further. Try Eva's Emporium!!

Seriously, I want to celebrate a very remarkable development - our own Thrift Shop at Fulwood Methodist Church. Week by week, not just at Christmas, you may find a treasure trove of goods on sale at very sensible prices. And you will find much more besides as I will try to describe.

In the past many churches, including FMC, offered the occasional sale of used goods through Jumble Sales and the like. Do you remember them – the piled high tables, the queues outside – and the occasional argument over who had spotted which bargain first? What has been created at Fulwood, whilst not unique in Church life, is rather special and continues to grow week by week. Just come along and see!

See the quality and display of the goods on sale: witness the incentive it provides to local people to come into our premises: browse at leisure from a wide variety of goods and be tempted by the very modest prices. Oh, and to have a cup of tea and a little more if you wish in warm surroundings. Just come along to Welcome Wednesday between 10.00am and 12 noon.

All this is the due to the efforts and generosity of two groups of people. First, there are the many people who generously donate much-loved items so that others can have access to them. All these gifts are welcomed as part of our commitment to recycling as much as we possibly ca. If we can't sell it ourselves, we make sure it finds its way to other charities and businesses who can use them.

Then, a wonderfully committed and energetic group of volunteers who make sure it all happens, that you are welcomed as a long lost friend and can readily find what might be useful or simply beautiful.


The Thrift Shop in its current format was born just as our remodelled premises were opening in 2012. Over the years many people have worked hard to develop the shop and the current 'gang', or most of them, are to be found in the picture on these pages. It has been hard work, but their experiences are fascinating and, mostly, humorous and uplifting. The regular visitors who always made sure their delightful dog always bought something as a treat, the donors who occasionally don't check carefully enough and sometimes leave a more valuable item, even money, in the pockets of garments and bags (always returned when found), the occasional donation which is perhaps not sold within church premises, just occasionally an item whose use is beyond the imagination of most folk! Most weeks there is something to discuss, to raise a smile.

But there is also a ministry to be provided to those who come along to browse. A jigsaw may provoke a memory, sad or happy, which can be shared: an item of clothing may be for a special occasion: a tool or a kitchen gadget may be to meet a need which has arisen – and always a smile and a chat lead to thoughts, fears and joys being shared.

The Church and the community owe Eva Maclaren and her team a huge vote of thanks. Over the last twelve or so years the Thrift Shop has raised some £70,000 for Church activities. And the pleasure, joy and comfort they have given to so many is simply incalculable.

So, thank you Eva, and thanks to so many helpers over the years and to those who I know of, such as Denise, Lynn, Judith, Alan, Jude, Michael, Maggie, Anne and not forgetting Fred, Ray and Edna who are there today.

Perhaps you would like to help! The crew always needs more hands on deck (or behind the scenes if that is your style) and they would be delighted to show you the ropes! Just ask Eva or, if you need help, just ask any of the Church leaders and they will point you in the right direction.

Ken Wales