Test Your Knowledge -
1) Have a look at the next strawberry you eat, you will see the outside is covered in tiny seeds.

2) Because of an old superstition that when a person sneezed his soul left his body and the devil would slip in. Blessing the person would keep out the devil.

3) The word 'love,' which we use in tennis, is the English version of the French word 'l'oeuf' meaning 'egg'. L'oeuf is the French slang for nothing, because the figure '0' looks like an egg!

4) The custom started when people travelled on horseback, at this time every stranger might turn out to be an enemy. Whenever 2 riders approached each other, they would sidle over to the left so that his sword or pistol would be next to the stranger and ready for instant use!

5) A flag at half-mast is a mark of respect paid to the dead. It should first be hoisted to the mast-head for an instant and then lowered to half-mast.

6) An ostrich

7) A sailor will tell you that flotsam is any wreckage found floating on the sea, while jetsam is cargo thrown overboard to lighten a ship that is in trouble. Being heavy, jetsam usually sinks.

8) Yes. The 'House of Commons' has been barred to every King and Queen since Charles I went there to try and arrest 5 Members of Parliament who were opposing his wishes.

9) The letters SOS do not have any special meaning. They were chosen as a distress signal in Morse code because they are easy to send and recognise. They are 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots.

10) The 'high seas' are those which belong to no particular nation, but to everybody, just as the 'high road' is one that everybody may use.

The Lazy Artist -

1) A pig walking around a barn. Unfortunately, he has just turned the corner and you can only see his tail.

2) A bear, climbing a tree, (seen from the wrong side, of course). If you are wondering why he seems to have 5 paws, the 'top' paw is an ear!

3) Water running out of a bath – plug hole

4) A giraffe passing a mirror, seen from inside the room.

5) Boy Scout riding a bicycle, (seen from above).

All the Eights -
8 plus 8 plus 8 plus 88 plus 888 = 1000.