It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting out in the evenings, enjoying the last of the sunshine. In a week that we have experiences, storm Bert, snow, hailstorms and rainbows I turn my focus to the approaching period of Advent and Christmas. The chaos of the weather matches my preparations for the weeks ahead – rushing and dashing, preparing messages and events, managing family logistics and meeting up with family and friends to exchange greetings. It's a little busy to say the least.

I came across an article written by a friend of mine which speaks about "Practising the pause". The original article refers to our wellbeing and reducing our anxiety and stress – encouraging us to step back and breath and pause before we respond or act to situations which make us feel that stress. I wonder how we feel about "practising the pause" spiritually. Our churches are busy with events, services, performances etc. Let's search for some space within all that for a pause, time to reflect, listen and experience the peace of God. There are always 'tingly' moments in our Advent and Christmas events. For me the carol Silent Night, sung solo in a full candlelit church, always gives me goose bumps, or watching small children dressed in tea towels and sheets holding onto sheep being shepherds in a field creates a smile within me. What are the moments that you are going to savour? What will create a pause within you that allows the stress within to be replaced by the love and peace of God? I hope that those moments find you and that you will enjoy them and that you will be able to hold onto the feelings that they create in you.

I hope that you have a wonderful Advent and Christmas – may it be 'tingly'.
Denise Johnson (Pastoral Lay worker)