Everybody should know the answers to these questions, though very few people do. Try them out on family and friends.

1) What fruits have their seeds on the outside?
2) Why do people say bless you when they sneeze?
3) Why does love mean '0' in a tennis score?
4) Why do the English drive on the left-hand side of the road?
5) Why does it take longer to hoist a flag to half-mast than to hoist it to the mast-head in a usual way?
6) What bird can run faster than a horse, roar like a lion but cannot fly?
7) What is the difference between flotsam and jetsam?
8) Is it true that there is one place in England where the King may never go?
9) All over the world the letters SOS are used as an urgent call for help. What do the letters stand for?
10) You often read about 'sailing the high seas', what does this expression mean?

It's not the subjects of these pictures that make them look so odd, but the views of them which the lazy artist has chosen to draw. Perhaps you won't be able to recognise them at once but you will laugh when you turn to the answers and find out what they are supposed to be!


Answers HERE

Malcolm Rae